Category Archives: Student Travel

Souvenirs from Samuel Lind's workshop

Are Your Souvenirs Authentic?

We all do it. We go on a trip or vacation and we bring back souvenirs. How often have you given thought to how authentic your souvenirs are? Have you ever considered whether your souvenirs are ethically sourced? Could buying that item cause harm to a country, an economy, an ecosystem, or an endangered species?…

World Travelers shopping at a local farmers market

Be Savvy World Travelers

SYTA (Student & Youth Travel Association) recently published an article in their Teach & Travel magazine entitled: Don’t Be a Tourist. Be a Traveler. The article shares key stories and recommendations on how to encourage students to experience culture firsthand. Tips such as slowing down, visiting markets, riding public transportation, volunteering and going places off the beaten path are…

Cuba: Travel tips and reviews

Reposting of Paul Schmitz’s blog Leadership Inside Out MAY 30, 2016 Cuba: Travel tips and reviews This is a more detailed review of my trip than my Huffington Post essay of observations and reflections. Getting in/Visas. From what I have read, there will be many flights a week from the U.S. in just a few months. In…